Workplace Giving
Show Ottawa You are a Community-Oriented Organization!
Here are some ways you can support the Caring and Sharing Exchange through your workplace:
Matching Gifts — In order to encourage charitable giving, some companies will have an employee matching donation program - which can double or even triple your contribution. Check with your Human Resources Department to see if your company will match your donation to the Caring and Sharing Exchange.
Workplace Campaigns — Consider running a campaign within your business to help children from families in need to go back to school ready to succeed or Ottawa individuals and families in need to enjoy a festive Christmas meal. We can help you by providing you with the tools needed. Contact Heather Fraser, Director, Resource Development at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or 613-226-6434 x222.
In addition many companies and organizations get involved with the United Way, Government of Canada Workplace Charitable Campaign or other workplace campaigns. You can designate your donation to the Caring and Sharing Exchange as your charity of choice during these campaigns.
Workplace Events — Often companies are looking for a reason to contribute to a good cause. You can suggest and plan a workplace event, such as casual Fridays, having a bake sale, or organizing a potluck lunch and encouraging all of your colleagues to make a donation. It’s a fun and easy way to support the Caring and Sharing Exchange while involving your fellow employees in the cause.
The Caring and Sharing Exchange is a Registered Charity. Our Charitable Registration Number is 13097 9172 RR0001.